- The first step is to recognise youe symptoms of stress the causes.
- Look deeply into your lifestyle and see what can be changed - at work and at home
- Use relaxation techniques - yoga, meditation, deep breathing, massage, aromatheraphy, etc.
- Physical activity is one of the most successful stress remedies.
- Learn to manage your time. Perform essentail tasks and prioritise others. Don't procastrinate, it will add to your stress level.
- Learn to say no to unreasonable demands. You can't always meet other people's expectations.
- Watch what you eat. Alcohol, caffine, junk foods, sweets, fats, tobacco all put a strain on your body's ability to cope with stress. Eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and foods high in protein but low in fat. Eat regularly and don't skip meals.
- Rest is important - get enough rest and sleep.
- Make some time for yourself. Read a book, watch a movie, play a game, listen to music or take a vaccation. Spend time with family and friends have fun.
- Keep your anger in check it may be the biggest stressors.
- Don't push your limits. You are not perfect! Accept your shortcomings.
- Learn to appreciate what you have and don't try to keep up with the joneses.
Evils are found interesting more than good
16 years ago
Thanks for the tips my friend! Very helpful. Please do visit my blog too if you have time ok? Happy blogging!
These tips on dealing with stress is very timely for me. So helpful indeed!
Btw, I have linked you to both my blogs. I hope you can link me too.
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